Mashroo3k Economic Consulting Company offers a comprehensive feasibility study on the aluminum factory project for manufacturing doors and windows, with the highest profit return and the best payback period, according to accurate studies of the Iraqi market, data on the industrial sector in Iraq, analysis of competitors’ desires, and submission of competitive price offers.
Aluminum is characterized by its ability to resist erosion factors, which makes its lifespan relatively longer than other metals. Therefore, Mashroo3k Company consultants direct the attention of investors wishing to invest in Iraq to the aluminum factory project for manufacturing doors and windows. The feasibility studies provided by Mashroo3k Company provide a roadmap for how to achieve the best return on investment and the best payback period, according to the expertise of more than 200 financial and administrative consultants, while relying on updated databases, specific to the Iraqi market.
Mashroo3k Economic Consulting Company directs investors who wish to invest in an aluminum factory project for manufacturing doors and windows in Iraq, or develop their existing projects, to seek the opinions of specialized consultants from Mashroo3k Company, to help them determine the best ways and methods to develop the factory’s services, increase its competitive advantages, and diversify its products according to customer desires and market variables.
Weather resistance
High resistance to corrosion and peeling
Impact resistance
Paint retention and clarity
High resistance to pressure and strength
High flexibility
Easy to prepare and install
Heat and fire resistance
Executive Summary
Study of project services/products
Market Size Study
Risk study
Technical study
Financial study
Organizational and administrative study
Industrial sector in GCC countries
The industrial sector is the cornerstone of the renaissance of global economies, and its indicators are indicative of the extent of countries’ progress and development. If it weren’t for the strength of the industrial sector in some Western countries today, the people of the Arab world would not have pointed to it. Given the importance of this vital sector, “Mashroo3k ” Company would like to present to you the following most important keys to the sector in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries:
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
United Arab Emirates:
Sultanate of Oman:
Industrial sector in GCC countries
There are 1801 factories under construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The number of licensed workers in these factories is estimated at 78,650 workers. The capital of these factories amounts to 68,481 million riyals.
Riyadh region accounts for 40.4% of the total factories under construction (728 factories).
The industrial sector in the UAE contributes about 8.4% to the GDP.
The value of industrial exports today exceeds 240 billion dirhams.
The UAE aspires to be ranked 25th in the Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, noting that it has been ranked 38th for years.
_ The state strategy supports the establishment and founding of 13,500 small and medium enterprises.
The industrial sector in the UAE contributes about 8.4% to the GDP.
The number of establishments employing more than 20 workers reached 549 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments reached 129,735 workers. The total production value of these establishments reached 35,566,260 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.
The manufacturing industry contributes to the GDP by about 9.2%
Establishments employing less than (10 workers) equal 1799 establishments, and the number of workers in them is 8,305 workers.
Establishments employing more than (10 workers) equal 1668 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments is 153,567 workers.
31.4% is the contribution rate of manufacturing industry exports to the total exports of the Sultanate.
The growth rate of manufacturing industries is estimated at about 6% during the previous five years.