Saudi Entrepreneurship Association

The Saudi Entrepreneurship Association is concerned with spreading the culture of entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is the result of an initiative launched by a group of specialists at King Saud University. In a few years, the Saudi Entrepreneurship Association has become the scientific reference in various fields of entrepreneurship, and the professional and research environment supporting the efforts of universities and institutions.

Saudi Entrepreneurship Association About

In 2008, King Saud University launched the Saudi Entrepreneurship Association, headed by Dr. Ahmed bin Abdulrahman Al-Shamimri, to be a scientific association specialized in entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thus, the Saudi Entrepreneurship Association was launched, in light of the scientific shift witnessed by the world in recent years, the prevailing trend towards supporting the concepts of entrepreneurship and modern applied education, and the transition to the era of knowledge economies in higher education.

Saudi Entrepreneurship Association Objectives

The Saudi Entrepreneurship Association aims to integrate the efforts of specialists, researchers, students, and practitioners in various fields, in order to make the most of this science. It works for the benefit of society, promoting entrepreneurship activities and practices, and calls for spreading the culture of creativity, innovation, and excellence at various local and global levels. Its most prominent objectives are focused on the following:
  • Strengthening the applied approach in university education and supporting the shift towards productive practical programmes.
  • Encouraging creativity and innovation in the field of business in line with development requirements.
  • Contributing to preparing a distinguished generation of future businessmen.
  • Encouraging community members to practice freelance work and adopt entrepreneurial thinking.
  • Achieving scientific communication for the association’s members and enhancing cooperation between universities and society.

Saudi Entrepreneurship Association Services

The Saudi Entrepreneurship Association seeks to develop and advance entrepreneurial thinking and provide an opportunity for those working in the field of entrepreneurship, small enterprises and venture capital to contribute to the scientific progress movement in the Kingdom and facilitate the exchange of scientific production and scientific ideas. It also aims to provide advice and conduct the necessary studies to raise the level of performance in various institutions and bodies, as the association seeks to achieve a set of goals, the most prominent of which are:
  • To be a primary reference for scientific research and applied thought in entrepreneurship at the national level.
  • Building and consolidating the culture of entrepreneurship, developing scientific research, promoting applied thought, and a communication tool to achieve continuous development for the association’s members, community members, and national institutions.
  • Providing advisory services in various areas of interest to the association for governmental and private institutions.
  • Developing the scientific and professional performance of the association’s members and exchanging experiences among specialists in this field.
  • Facilitating the exchange of scientific and research production on leadership topics and its various subjects by holding scientific seminars and conferences and exchanging scientific visits and lectures.
  • Linking scientific research in the field of entrepreneurship with the needs of the public and private sectors, identifying the need of these sectors for applied research, and finding appropriate communication channels to activate the results and outputs of this research in the applied aspects that touch the needs of society.

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