Evaluating and Studying Investment Opportunities

Mashroo3k provides its clients with multiple services, most notably the “evaluating and studying investment opportunities”; It provides an analysis of the volume and value of a country’s imports to understand the direction of imports and identify sectors that are worth considering for investment.

In order for the investors to fully understand the details of the service, we do the following:

Studying the last 10 years of the country’s imports.

Understanding the most important of these imports and wondering why the country doesn’t support such imported-products projects.

Studying and evaluating the investment opportunities which have been offered and announced by the relevant country enterprises and economic entities.

Evaluating the investment opportunities based on the studying, and identifying investment paths.

Understanding how far the project idea can be implemented in practice.

Analyzing the economic situation in the market and identifying the major risks and challenges that may obstruct the project.

Identify the project ingredients for success in the target markets.

A portrayal of the whole target market; it’s a study of: (competition intensity among existing enterprises, buyer power, bargaining power of input markets, threat of substitutes, and the potential of new competitors).

After conducting all the previous steps in a clear methodology, our consultants and experts will provide all the recommendations of the available investment opportunities evaluate them to choose one, and explain their choice. Mashroo3k and its teamwork of 500 consultants undoubtedly are the best to provide entrepreneurs and investors with this service. Don’t hesitate to contact us and watch your vision take flight.