Industrial detergent factory

Study request

Mashroo3k Economic Consulting Company offers a feasibility study for an industrial detergent factory project, with the highest return on investment and the best payback period, through a set of accurate studies of the size of the Iraqi market, analyzing the strategies of local and foreign competitors, and providing competitive price offers.

share capital

Rate of return

Recovery period Third year

Description of industrial detergent factory project

Description of industrial detergent factory project

Mashroo3k Economic Consulting Company provides Iraqi investors who wish to invest in an industrial detergent factory project with a set of specialized feasibility studies based on updated databases specific to the Iraqi market, which helps the project succeed, achieve the highest return on profit, and the best payback period, through a set of accurate studies of the size of the Iraqi market, analysis of the strategies of local and foreign competitors, and the ability to provide competitive price offers.

Industrial detergent factory products

Industrial detergent factory products

  • Dishwasher detergent.
  • Hand washing liquid.
  • Laundry detergent gel.
  • Fabric softener.
  • Chlorine
  • Multipurpose cleaner.
  • Glass cleaner.
  • Dettol disinfectant.
  • Car wash and polish cleaner.

The industrial detergent factory provides manufacturing and packaging services for industrial detergents in packages and bags of different sizes. The industrial detergent industry is one of the industries that is characterized by market stability, and serves various categories of consumers, whether companies or individuals.

Why mashroo3k ?

Why mashroo3k ?

  • Mashroo3k has over 11 years of experience in preparing feasibility studies, market research, and providing a wide range of consulting services, including administrative, economic, financial, and others.
  • Mashroo3k has offices in 7 international branches, located in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, and Iraq, in addition to its agents in China, Singapore, and other countries.
  • Mashroo3k has provided over 7,000 services and feasibility studies, helping thousands of clients achieve their investment goals.
  • Mashroo3k’s services are accredited and trusted by all financial institutions and entities in the Middle East.
  • Mashroo3k’s service coverage extends to 35 countries across all continents.
  • Mashroo3k is a member of over 100 prestigious international institutions specializing in market research and business management.
  • Mashroo3k’s team consists of 350 consultants with extensive knowledge of economic sector indicators and opportunities. Thanks to the diversity of their expertise, they ensure effective solutions and strategies.
  • Mashroo3k is contracted with over 10,200 suppliers in 22 countries to support projects logistically with production lines, raw materials, machinery, equipment, and similar resources.
  • Mashroo3k possesses a vast database that enhances the accuracy of its predictions and analyses, as well as its ability to manage risks effectively.
  • Project features
  • Study contents
  • Sector indicators
  • The Project is an Investment Opportunity
مؤشرات القطاع
  • Use of industrial technology.
  • Use of high quality raw materials.
  • The detergent industry relies on experts and technicians.
  • Increase the operating efficiency of washing and cleaning workshops.
  • Increase the local production of industrial detergents.

Executive Summary

  • About the project
  • Financial indicators
  • Justifications for establishing the project
  • Government investment incentives in the project field
  • Target Markets
  • Project indicators and final results

Study of project services/products

  • Study of project services/products
  • Description of the project and all its products/services

Market Size Study

  • Familiarity with distribution channels
  • Consumer behavior, desires and nature
  • Competitors’ products or services, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
  • Nature of the market and its characteristics
  • The volume of demand for the product or service provided
  • Available share of target market
  • The best way to market

Risk study

  • Identify risks
  • Impact of risks on the project
  • Risk prevention methods
Technical study
  • Detailed description of project products Expected production capacity Determination of investment costs
  • Determine the volume of electrical energy and water
  • Determine the project’s labor needs
  • Determine project requirements
  • Construction and building cost calculation
  • Total Capital Calculation
  • Determine annual operating costs
  • Determine the amount of working capital
Financial study
  • Total investment costs required for the project
  • Organizing the cash flow and income statements as well as the financial position statement for the first ten years of operation.
  • Determine the expected annual revenues of the project in light of the specified operational capacities.
  • The optimal financing structure for the project in light of the investors’ capabilities and in light of the financing granting conditions
  • Project financial indicators and sensitivity analysis
Organizational and administrative study
  • Project manpower
  • Organizational structure
  • Job Duties
المشروع كفرصة استثمارية

Industrial sector in GCC countries

The industrial sector is the cornerstone of the renaissance of global economies, and its indicators are indicative of the extent of countries’ progress and development. If it weren’t for the strength of the industrial sector in some Western countries today, the people of the Arab world would not have pointed to it. Given the importance of this vital sector, “Mashroo3k ” Company would like to present to you the following most important keys to the sector in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries:

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

  • Number of producing factories: 8258 factories.
  • Number of licensed workers: 968,121 workers.
  • The capital of these factories is estimated at about 1,256,616 million riyals.
  • The largest industrial activities in terms of the number of factories producing non-metallic minerals (1641 factories), followed by the rubber and plastics activity with a number of factories reaching (1122 factories).
  • The Riyadh region has the largest number of factories (3,332 factories), followed by the Eastern Region with a number of factories reaching (1,877 factories), then the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region (1,741 factories).
  • Small factories in the Kingdom represent 43.7% of the total number of factories (3671 factories). The number of workers in them is 111,354 workers.
  • Medium-sized factories in the Kingdom represent 46.6% of the total number of factories (3907 factories). The number of workers in them is 379,342 workers.
  • Large factories in the Kingdom represent 9.7% of the total existing factories (813 factories). The number of workers in them is 477,425 workers.
  • There are 1801 factories under construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The number of licensed workers in these factories is estimated at 78,650 workers. The capital of these factories amounts to 68,481 million riyals.
  • Riyadh region accounts for 40.4% of the total factories under construction (728 factories).

United Arab Emirates:

  • According to the latest census, the number of existing factories is 6481.
  • _ Number of workers: 737,126 workers.
  • The number of establishments operating in the manufacturing sector is 32,654 establishments.
  • The value of production in the UAE manufacturing sector is AED 448,127 million.
  • The coke and refined petroleum products industry is the largest industrial activity in terms of production value, with its production – according to the latest official statistics – amounting to approximately 119,787 million Emirati dirhams.
  • The value of industrial exports today exceeds 240 billion dirhams.
  • The UAE aspires to be ranked 25th in the Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, noting that it has been ranked 38th for years.
  • _ The state strategy supports the establishment and founding of 13,500 small and medium enterprises.


  • Number of industrial establishments: 5539 establishments.
  • The number of workers in the sector is 160,654 workers.
  • Total production is worth 35,929,708 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.
  • The number of establishments employing (1-10) workers is 4,526 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments reached 24,048 workers. The production value of these facilities reached 250,322 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.
  • The number of establishments employing (11-19) workers is 464 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments reached 6,871 workers. The total production value reached 113,126 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.
  • The number of establishments employing more than 20 workers reached 549 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments reached 129,735 workers. The total production value of these establishments amounted to 35,566,260 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.


  • Number of industrial establishments: 3467.
  • Number of workers in these establishments: 161,872.
  • Small and medium industries account for about 84% of the total factories operating in the country.
  • The manufacturing industry contributes to the GDP by about 9.2%
  • Establishments with less than (10 workers) equal 1799 establishments, and the number of workers in them is 8,305 workers.
  • Establishments with more than (10 workers) equal 1668 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments is 153,567 workers.

Sultanate of Oman:

  • There are 61,217 establishments operating in the manufacturing sector in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • The workforce in the manufacturing sector in the Sultanate is equal to 237,000 workers.
  • The manufacturing industries contribute about 9.6% to the GDP of the Sultanate of Oman.
  • 31.4% is the contribution of manufacturing exports to the total exports of the Sultanate.
  • The growth rate of manufacturing industries is estimated at about 6% during the past five years.
  • Number of producing factories: 8258 factories.
  • Number of licensed workers: 968,121 workers.
  • The capital of these factories is estimated at about 1,256,616 million riyals.The largest industrial activities in terms of the number of factories producing non-metallic minerals (1641 factories), followed by the rubber and plastics activity with a number of factories reaching (1122 factories).

  • The Riyadh region has the largest number of factories (3,332 factories), followed by the Eastern Region with a number of factories reaching (1,877 factories), then the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region (1,741 factories).
  • Small factories in the Kingdom represent 43.7% of the total number of factories (3671 factories). The number of workers in them is 111,354 workers.
  • Medium-sized factories in the Kingdom represent 46.6% of the total number of factories (3907 factories). The number of workers in them is 379,342 workers.
  • Large factories in the Kingdom represent 9.7% of the total existing factories (813 factories). The number of workers in them is 477,425 workers.
  • There are 1801 factories under construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The number of licensed workers in these factories is estimated at 78,650 workers. The capital of these factories amounts to 68,481 million riyals.
  • Riyadh region accounts for 40.4% of the total factories under construction (728 factories).


مؤشرات المشروع

Industrial sector in GCC countries

  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

There are 1801 factories under construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The number of licensed workers in these factories is estimated at 78,650 workers. The capital of these factories amounts to 68,481 million riyals.

Riyadh region accounts for 40.4% of the total factories under construction (728 factories).

  • United Arab Emirates:

The industrial sector in the UAE contributes about 8.4% to the GDP.

The value of industrial exports today exceeds 240 billion dirhams.

The UAE aspires to be ranked 25th in the Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, noting that it has been ranked 38th for years.

_ The state strategy supports the establishment and founding of 13,500 small and medium enterprises.

The industrial sector in the UAE contributes about 8.4% to the GDP.

  • Kuwait:

The number of establishments employing more than 20 workers reached 549 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments reached 129,735 workers. The total production value of these establishments reached 35,566,260 thousand Kuwaiti dinars.

  • Qatar:

The manufacturing industry contributes to the GDP by about 9.2%

Establishments employing less than (10 workers) equal 1799 establishments, and the number of workers in them is 8,305 workers.

Establishments employing more than (10 workers) equal 1668 establishments. The number of workers in these establishments is 153,567 workers.

  • Sultanate of Oman:

31.4% is the contribution rate of manufacturing industry exports to the total exports of the Sultanate.

The growth rate of manufacturing industries is estimated at about 6% during the previous five years.

By sector

share capital(By the million)

Rate of return

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